Friday, January 27, 2017

Thailand Reflection

Here it is, a final wrap up of the Thailand trip. It still seems like just yesterday I was writing the first post with no idea what to expect and no clue of the memories I would gather in Thailand. Its always funny to see how some people can learn so much in just a matter of a couple weeks. This was the best J-term class I could have signed up for.

As I sit here at 6:00am recovering from jet lag, I remember all of the events we participated in and how I can never truly express my emotions to others. I will be able to share what we did but they will never really know what I saw. For now I will continue to share my experience to anyone with hopes they can understand how life changing this trip was for me.

This experience made me recognize the importance of opening up and how it can change the lives of others. While in Thailand we were college students who opened up to kids half our age who live on the other side of the world, and we became best friends. After just a couple days, students would practically fight to be around one of us, or to hold our hands. Students were always smiling and it spread to us. Whether big or small we were able to change the lives of every student in the school.

Together, the Thai culture it one that everyone should live by. It more people follow Sanuk and Mai Pen Rai we should have a more positive culture. It makes it easier to find the good in people rather than put blame towards others. I would love to see more people become accepting and welcoming of others rather than looking for the negatives right away.

Thank you everyone for making this trip perfect. You're all wonderful people and I can't wait so see all the great impacts you will make in the future.

Thanks again,

Sanuk, and don't eat the salad.