Friday, January 27, 2017


I've already been home for five days, but it isn't long enough to allow me to fully process all that I've experienced and what impact it has made on me. It was such an incredible experience, one that I will remember fondly for years to come. People keep asking me what my favorite part was, what I loved more than anything else. I don't have an answer for them, because there isn't any one thing that I can choose that stands out above the rest. It's everything. It was being with the kids. Riding the elephants. Snorkeling around the islands. Making the connections we did: with our class; with our professors; with the Starfish students and teachers; with our tour guides. I learned so much from being in Thailand - about the country, about the people, even a little about myself. Someone in our class said yesterday that the elders should be sat in the middle of the room so that everyone around them can hear the stories and lessons they have to tell. Maybe some day, I'll be the person in the middle of the room telling stories. I'm sure many of them will be about this trip. I'm glad to be home, but I'm already longing to go back and do it all over again.