Talking to my friends and family about my amazing adventure in Thailand makes me realize that they will never understand my true feelings and emotions that I had experienced. I will never be able to explain the feelings and connections that I had while I was in this inspiring country. We traveled to many different places in Thailand and tried countless new things which gave me a good idea of how this country truly is, not just how they want tourist to see it. Experiencing this hands on really changed my thoughts about my life back home. It made me want to take more time out of my day and just pause for a few moments to be thankful for all that I have. Something that I believe strongly in is that everything happens for a reason. In Thailand, I noticed that many people look at everything in a positive way and are very thankful for all that they have. They do not take advantage of anything and are always happy. This is something that I would like to take back and try to spread to others.
The young Thais had the largest impact on me while I was traveling. We were able to really get to know the students at Starfish School and gain a hands on experience that I wouldn't of been able to understand unless I had seen it for myself. Each and every student has this care for their elders that I have never seen before. They were constantly making sure that adults were comfortable and had everything that they needed. The language barrier was not going to stop these little ones. The children were so inclusive and truly just wanted to spend time with you, even if that meant that no words would be spoken. This had the largest impact on me because I have never been able to connect with a child in that way. Like I said before this does not even begin to explain my unforgettable experience in Thailand. You will just have to go to Thailand and see for yourself!