We've finally made it to the last stretch of our journey. Yesterday we took a ferry to Trat and a short plane ride to Bangkok. We started off our first day in Bangkok with a cultural tour around the bustling city. Our tour started the minute we left our hotel on Khao San road, which is known for its popularity among backpackers. We weaved in and out of crowds as we walked to the amulet market. Amulets are believed to have special powers that offer the wearer protection and may bring them good luck. They are very popular among Thais. From there we hopped on a longboat to continue our tour. This was the perfect break to escape the hot temperature in the city. We took in the sites of the city and stopped to feed fish at a temple. Following the longboat portion of our tour, we stopped to see the reclining Buddha. The Buddha was massive! The final stop of our cultural tour was the Morning temple, aka the Royal Temple. The temple got its name because the late king of Thailand would often stop at this temple in the morning. The architecture was so intricate and beautiful. The tour was a very nice introduction to the city.
Today we all come home sunburns and all. Coming home is a mix of emotions for me.. On the one hand I'm looking forward to seeing all my family and friends but at the same time I'm not ready to leave this amazing country. The memories I have made in this journey are memories I hope I never forget. Thailand is truly beautiful, not just because of its amazing trees and beautiful oceans, but also because of the people. Everyone here in Thailand has been so kind and it makes me happy to see the pride Thais' take in their culture and country. So cheers to Thailand for this amazing trip and to these amazing people I have gotten to know along this journey!