I've had a lot of fun on this trip. We have been constantly on the move never spending too many nights in one place. There have only been new and wonderful expirences, but I swear if I hear Letitia say, "This is traveling" one more time I'm going to scream. This is our first day to really just sit back and relax so that's exaxtly what happened. I stayed at the hotel (as I am not one for beaches) and walked up and down the streets after the sun went down. While at the hotel I obviously watched tv and got wrapped up in the korean news network. There was plenty to see on the streets. I meet a really nice Hispanic lady at a cafe down the street. I didn't catch where she was from (her word choice suggests Spain) but we just sat and talked about life. Never thought I would get to speak Spanish in Thailand (ha!). Hearing different perspectives on life has been one of the best things about this trip. It is fascinating how many people I have run into that are from all over the world and learning how diffrent places view thing has truely opeaned my eyes and I am learning that there are more than two sides to everything. As Letitia would say, "That's traveling" Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!