Sunday, January 15, 2017

Chiang Rai

This morning was the first for us at the Chiang Rai, Wiang Indra Riverside Resort Hotel. Once we finished the fabulous breakfast, we started our journey to the Starfish school here in Chiang Rai, which we found very similar to the one in Chiang Mai. At the school we learned more about the individuals who worked there. After our discussion at the school we were lead to the hill tribe where we got a better idea of what their daily life looks like.

We definitely entered with a bang, as the van driver was slowly making a turn into the parking area and did not see a moped driver coming up on the side he was turning into. We slowly ran into them and slightly damaged both vehicles. This was an interesting experience because the drivers dealt with it very different than what Americans might do. American drivers involved in a similar accident might scream at each other, get insurance companies involved, and possibly even threaten lawsuits. The Thais simply said I'm sorry and drove off.

Once we safely parked we proceeded to walk up to one of the houses. It was the house of a Starfish student that tagged along with us so that she could see her mom. The moment that she saw her mom she went running into her arms and had very special moment together. This was sweet to see because it made me realize how different the students' lives are at Starfish compared to the majority of students in the United States. They aren't able to see their families everyday after school like we are used to when we are young. This visit to the hill tribe also allowed us to see the kinds of houses that they live in along with the effort they put into growing food and maintaining the house.  Their passion for the community and agriculture was inspiring. I am very grateful for this hands on experience.