Before leaving for this trip, I'm revisiting old fears regarding planes and new places. I grew up adamant that I would never get on a plane, and now at 23, I'm taking my first plane ride. I think that there's a lot of nervous energy floating around, and a lot of excitement and anticipation. I'm trying to imagine what will happen on this trip, but everything is completely new and foreign. I'm thinking a lot about the sights and sounds once we land, and what I can compare the experience to. Imagining something completely alien, without having very many things to compare it to, the entire trip carries an excitement for me.
I know that I'm feeling a lot anxiety over the logistics of getting around, and getting to Thailand, but I also feel comforted being with faculty and classmates who have experience traveling. The fact that Letitia has traveled quite a few times to Thailand also makes me feel less nervous about possibly offending people, or getting in trouble. I hope that by having this buffer, I will able to learn and take in my surroundings without being held back by my nerves and anxiety. I am very excited to learn about the culture of Thailand, and the interpersonal day-to-day interactions that people have in the country. I want to see the beauty in the nature of Thailand, and the urban crawl of the city. I hope that this trip will help me better appreciate my own home, and help drive a more adventurous take on exploring the world. I very much want to be changed by this trip, and I hope this helps blossom a sense of global adventure.